# word definition sample
1 abate become less intense or widespread Gains in oil prices are unlikely to abate
2 abet encourage or assist charged with aiding and abetting
3 accede ascent or agree to a demand He acceded to our request.
4 berate scold or criticize he was berated by angry demonstrators.
5 bovine of or relating to cattle a bovine virus
6 burnish polish by rubbing burnish its socially responsible image
7 catalyst 触媒 chlorine acts as a catalyst
8 censorious severely critical of others her censorious sister
9 demagogue 古代ギリシアの煽動的民衆指導者 elevating a demagogue
10 diluvial of or relating to a flood other diluvial theories
11 effluvia an unpleasant or harmful odor the effluvia of decaying vegetable matter
12 emulate match or surpass expected to emulate their fathers
13 epochal extremely significant It took on an epochal importance
14 expound explain or present expound his views
15 fictive created by imagination fictive female characters
16 flippant not showing serious attitude Do not be flippant! This is serious!
17 gauche lacking grace We are all a bit gauche when we are young.
18 grotto small cave or cave-like structure Water trickles through an underground grotto.
19 hedonist 快楽主義者 his hedonist lifestyle
20 heretical practicing religious heresy 異端の heretical writings
21 hubris excessive pride or self confidence the self-assured hubris among economists
22 ignoble not honorable in character ignoble feelings of intense jealousy
23 imperious assuming power without justification Her attitude is imperious at times.
24 importunate persistent importunate visitors
25 jocular humorous or playful in a less jocular mood
26 junta military group that rules after taking by force according to the military junta
27 kismet destiny what chance did I stand against kismet?
28 lexicon vocabulary of a person a new phrase entering the lexicon
29 licentious immoral licentious dancing
30 limber flexible I have to practice to keep myself limber
31 loquacious talkative the loquacious host of a radio talk show
32 malapropism mistaken use of a word in place of a similar sounding word a tendency to use malapropisms
33 malfeasance wrongdoing evidence of corporate malfeasance
34 mawkish sentimental in a sickening way a mawkish poem
35 misnomer wrong or inaccurate name in designation Herbal tea is something of a misnomer
36 mote tiny piece of a substance the tiniest mote of dust
37 necromancy practice of communicating with the dead associated with necromancy
38 nihilism rejection of religion afraid of nihilism
39 nomenclature the choosing of names for things rules of chemical nomenclature
40 obfuscate to confuse They are obfuscating the issue
41 olfactory of or relating to the sense of smell This olfactory sense develops in the womb.
42 opprobrious (of language) expressing scorn or criticism We denied the opprobrious charges
43 ostracize exclude from a society or group ostracized from the community
44 palatial resembling a palace They lived in a palatial apartment.
45 paramount more important than anything else of paramount importance
46 patrician an aristocrat acknowledging the presence of a fellow patrician.
47 prestidigitation magic tricks performed for entertainment His feats of prestidigitation mesmerize audiences
48 rancor bitterness or resentfulness no rancor against him
49 rarefy to make rare or less dense “…the rarefied mountain air”
50 recapitulate summarize and state again the main points Let's just recapitulate the essential points.
51 refute prove to be wrong or false impossible to refute
52 repose a state of rest in repose her face looked relaxed
53 rife of common occurrence Crime is rife
54 sanctimonious making a show of being morally superior Some of us may appear to be sanctimonious.
55 scrupulous diligent attention to details The nurse told him to be scrupulous
56 sedition conduct or speech inciting people to rebel He was tried for sedition
57 stint supply inadequate amount stowage room has not been stinted
58 sybarite a person devoted to luxury and pleasure Morocco is a haven for backpackers and sybarites alike.
59 tawdry showy but cheap “...tawdry jewellery.”
60 tenacious keep a firm hold on something its tenacious little fist
61 tout attempt to sell something by aggressively pestering touting these ideas
62 trounce defeat heavily in a contest He trounced his rivals in the election
63 tutelage authority over someone or something Under the tutelage of Professor Roberts
64 untoward unexpected Unless anything untoward happens
65 usury lending money at unlawful rates exempt from usury laws
66 veritable being truly or very much so a veritable jungle
67 vilify write or speak in an abusively disparaging way vilified by the press
68 vociferous vehement or clamorous a vociferous opponent
69 wield hold and use typically a weapon or tool wielding a kitchen knife
70 winsome attractive appearance or character best winsome smile
71 wry using dry or mocking humor “A wry sense of humor.”
72 yeoman a man holding and cultivating a field “As a result, the number of yeomen was halved.”
73 yowl loud waining cry the cat gave a yowl of anger
74 zephyr soft gentle breeze So far it has only been a gentle zephyr.