# word definition sample
1 acumen shrewdness shown by keen insight remarkable acumen in business matters
2 congruent in agreement or harmony may not be congruent with the requirements of the law
3 abdicate to renounce or relinquish a throne The aging founder decided to abdicate
4 abrasive rude and unfriendly She has a rather abrasive manner
5 bamboozle fool or cheat (someone) She was bamboozled into telling them her credit card number
6 dawdle waste time; be slow. dawdle over my coffee
7 exposition a setting forth of the meaning or purpose the exposition and defense of his ethics
8 exuberant filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement an exuberant welcome
9 famished extremely hungry I am famished
10 libel a written defamation the magazine had libeled her
11 ludicrous stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at He looked ludicrous in that suit
12 exonerate to clear from accusation or blame they should exonerate these men
13 talisman an object that is thought to have magic powers and to... those rings were their talismans
14 abide by conform to abide by the rules
15 digression a message that departs from the main subject swerves into digressions
16 idiosyncrasy a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual. one of his idiosyncrasies
17 trajectory the path followed by an object moving through space the trajectory of the missile
18 purview the scope of the influence or concerns of something within the purview of the legislation
19 foible a minor fault in someone's character or behavior human foibles and weaknesses
20 convoluted highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious convoluted legal language
21 fickle casually changeable fickle weather.
22 inculcate instill by persistent instruction inculcate a feeling of citizenship
23 conduit a pipe or channel for carrying a fluid a conduit for conveying water to the power plant
24 profanity blasphemous or obscene language an outburst of profanity
25 pro forma as a matter of form or politeness he nodded to him pro forma
26 epiphany a manifestation of a divine an epiphany of the goddess
27 shenanigans mischief, deceit Halloween shenanigans
28 take a toll to cause harm or damage the criticism has taken a toll
29 attrition a gradual process of wearing down, weakening, or... a company with a high rate of attrition
30 swagger to boast, brag, or show off in a loud, superior manner a more swaggering mood than usual
31 askew turned or twisted to one side his glasses were askew
32 diaspora the scattering of people from their original country to... large diaspora communities
33 scowl frown in an angry or bad-tempered way she scowled at him defiantly
34 scrawny (of a person or animal) unattractively thin and bony. a scrawny, bearded man
35 garish excessively or disturbingly vivid a garish old crown
36 sinuous winding or curvy a sinuous mountain path
37 spry (especially of an old person) active; lively he was eerily spry
38 vestigial remaining in a form that is not fully developed or able... a vestigial tail